Our Booking Terms & Conditions

At Serac Adventure, we aim to make your booking process smooth, transparent, and secure. Below are the key terms and conditions that apply to all our services. We recommend reading them carefully before confirming your booking.

Serac Adventure is registered under the laws of Tanzania and accepts your bookings under the following terms and condition

Serac Adventure Tipping Guideline:

In the event of a person / persons needing to cancel their climb or safari with us the following scale of refunds applies:

Notice Period Value of Refund Where we receive notice of cancellation: more than 29 days prior to the morning on which the climb or safari is due to start Full payment to be refunded less the non-refundable booking deposit. Fewer than 29 days but at least 14 days prior to the morning on which the climb or safari is due to start 75% of full payment to be refunded less the non-refundable booking deposit. Fewer than 14 days but at least 6 days prior to the morning on which the climb or safari is due to start 50% of full payment to be refunded less the non-refundable booking deposit. Fewer than 6 days but at least 48 hours prior to the start time (0730 local time) of the climb or safari 25% of full payment to be refunded less the non-refundable booking deposit. Fewer than 48 hours prior to the start time (0730 local time) of the climb or safari Nil refund.

Processing Refunds

Where a refund is due we may either: A) initiate an international wire transfer to an account that you nominate to us in writing (usually via email), or B) return paid funds from a credit or debit card back to the same card that was used for payment (subject to authorization being obtainable from our acquiring bank), or C) transfer funds to a PayPal or Skrill account. Bank charges and transaction fees incurred by these payments will be deducted from the amount remitted.

Cancellations Due To Ill Health Or Injury

Where a person is required to cancel their climb or safari on grounds of ill health or injury we will issue a final costs advice, where requested, reflecting the value of the funds that have been forfeited as a consequence of the cancellation. When presenting this to your insurer together with copies of your diagnosis and prescription notes that you are advised to obtain, you will usually be able to claim back this refund on either your health or travel insurance policies, assuming you have a pre-existing policy in place. In the event that you are required to cancel due to ill health or injury and you do not have an insurance policy in place we regret that we are unable to make any exceptions to the above scale of refunds.


Any disputes about reservations or payments, or complaints about quality of service should be made in writing to info@seracadventures.com  or seracadventure@gmail.com within 14 days or will be deemed to have not occurred, with no compromise made to outstanding monies.

To secure your seats you have to pay 10% of your price on our account.

And dear friend our bank system their charge you 6% when you use credit card so I suggest you to reduce cost you can pay the remain  balance when you arrival on cash, but if you’re willing for 6% you can pay by credit card.